李予綱(Yu-Kang Lee)教授

李予綱 Yu-Kang Lee 教授 |
研究室 |
社SS 4009 |
分機 |
5590 |
學歷 |
英國愛丁堡大學社會政策博士 |
電子信箱 |
yklee@mail.nsysu.edu.tw |
專長領域 |
Political Advertising/ Communication、Social Marketing |
- Chun-Tuan Chang, Hsiao-Ching Lee, Yu-Kang Lee & Tsung-Pin Wang (2023).“I Doubt It Works!” the negative impacts of anthropomorphizing healthcare products. Journal of Business Research, 164, 114008. 本人為通訊作者. [Rank: Business Q1(10/306), 2022, Journal Impact Factor: 11.3]
- Chun-Tuan Chang, Hsiao-Ching Lee, Yu-Kang Lee, and Hui-Wen Chang (2021), “‘Could You Smile Less?’ How Smile Intensity, Consumer Self-Construal and Relationship Norm Determine Advertising Effectiveness,” Journal of Advertising Research (SSCI), 61(4), 436-455.
- Cheng, Z. H., Chang, C. T., & Lee, Y. K. (2020). Linking hedonic and utilitarian shopping values to consumer skepticism and green consumption: the roles of environmental involvement and locus of control. Review of Managerial Science, 14(1), 61-85.
- Chang, C.-T., Tok, D., Chu, X.-Y.(M)., Lee, Y.-K. and Wang, S.-C. (2020), "Does “hot” lead to “not so hot?”", European Journal of Marketing, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/EJM-09-2018-0633
- Lee, Y.-K., Chang, C.-T., Cheng, Z.-H., Lin, Y. (2018). How Social Anxiety and Reduced Self-Efficacy Induce Smartphone Addiction in Materialistic People, Social Science Computer Review, 36(1), pp.36-56. 本人為第一作者. (Rank: Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary Q1, 2017 Impact Factor: 3.253.)
- Cheng, Z.-H., Chang, C.-T., Lee, Y.-K. (2018). Linking hedonic and utilitarian shopping values to consumer skepticism and green consumption: the roles of environmental involvement and locus of control, Review of Managerial Science, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11846-018-0286-z 本人為通訊作者 (Rank: Management Q3, 2017 Impact Factor:1.483)
- Yu-Kang Lee, Chun-Tuan Chang, & Pei-Chi Chen (2017, Dec).What Sells Better in Green Communications: Fear or Hope? Journal of Advertising Research (SSCI), Vol. 57, No. 4, pp.379-396. 本人為第一作者. NSC 100-2410-H-110-031. (Rank: Communication Q1, 2016 IF:2.034.)
- Chang, C. T., Lee, Y. K., & Cheng, Z. H. (2017, April). Baby face wins? Examining election success based on candidate election bulletin via multilevel modeling. Asian Journal of Social Psychology (SSCI), Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 97-112. 本人為通訊作者. NSC 101-2410-H-110-030-MY3. (Rank: Psychology, Social Q4, 2016 IF: 1.000)
- Yu-Kang Lee, Chun-Tuan Chang, You Lin, & Zhao-Hong Cheng (2016, Sep). Heads-Down Tribes Across Four Asian Countries: Antecedents of Smartphone Addiction. International Journal of Mobile Communications (SSCI), Vol.15, No.4, pp. 414-436. 本人為第一作者.(Rank: Communication Q3, 2016 IF:0.765)
- Yu-Kang Lee, Chun-Tuan Chang, Zhao-Hong Cheng, & You Lin (2016, Jan). Helpful-Stressful Cycle? Psychological Links Between Type of Mobile Phone User and Stress. Behaviour & Information Technology (SSCI), Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 75-86. 本人為第一作者. (Rank: Computer Cybernetics Q3, 2016 IF: 1.388)
- Yu-Kang Lee (2014, Mar). Gender Stereotypes as a Double-Edged Sword in Political Advertising: Persuasion Effects of Campaign Theme and Advertising Style. International Journal of Advertising (SSCI), Vol. 33, No. 2, pp.203-234. 本人為單一作者、通訊作者. NSC 98-2410-H-110-012-MY2. (Rank: Communication Q1, 2016 IF: 2.451)
- Yu-Kang Lee, Chun-Tuan Chang, You Lin, & Zhao-Hong Cheng (2014, Jan). The Dark Side of Smartphone Usage: Psychological Traits, Compulsive Behavior and Technostress. Computers in Human Behavior (SSCI), Vol. 31, pp.373-383. 本人為第一作者. (Rank: Psychology Experimental Q1, 2016 IF: 3.435)
- Yu-Kang Lee (2013, Jun). Babyfacedness, Sex of Face Stimulus, and Social Context in Face Perception and Person Evaluation. Psychological Reports (SSCI), Vol. 112, No.3, pp. 800-817. 本人為單一作者、通訊作者. NSC 101-2410-H-110-030-MY3. (Rank: Psychology, Multidisciplinary Q4, 2016 IF: 0.629)
- Yu-Kang Lee (2013, May). The Influence of Message Appeal, Environmental Hyperopia and Environmental Locus of Control on Green Policy Communication. Social Behavior and Personality (SSCI), Vol. 41, No. 5, pp. 731-738. 本人為單一作者、通訊作者. NSC 100-2410-H-110-031. (Rank: Psychology, Social Q4, 2016 IF: 0.548)
- Yu-Kang Lee & Chun-Tuan Chang (2011, Dec). Missing ingredients in political advertising: The right formula for political sophistication and candidate creditability. The Social Science Journal (SSCI), Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 659-671. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. NSC 98-2410-H-110-012-MY2. (Rank: Social sciences, Interdisciplinary Q3, 2016 IF:0.715)
- Chun-Tuan Chang & Yu-Kang Lee (2011, Aug). The "I" of the Beholder: The Impacts of Gender Differences and Self-Referencing on Charity Advertising. International Journal of Advertising (SSCI), Vol.30, No. 3, pp. 447-478. 本人為通訊作者. (Rank: Communication Q1, 2016 IF:2.451)
- Chun-Tuan Chang & Yu-Kang Lee (2010, Mar). Effects of Message Framing, Vividness Congruency, and Statistical Framing on Responses to Charity Advertising. International Journal of Advertising (SSCI), Vol.29, No.2, pp. 195-220. 本人為通訊作者. NSC 94-2414-H-324-001. (Rank: Communication Q1, 2016 IF:2.451)
- Yu-Kang Lee & Chun-Tuan Chang (2010, Jan). Framing Public Policy: The Impacts of Political Sophistication and Nature of Public Policy. The Social Science Journal (SSCI), Vol.47, No.1, pp.69-89. 本人為第一作者. NSC 96-2414-H-110-004. (Rank: Social sciences, Interdisciplinary Q3, 2016 IF:0.715)
- Chun-Tuan Chang & Yu-Kang Lee (2009, Dec). Framing Charity Advertising: Influences of Message Framing, Image Valence, and Temporal Framing on a Charitable Appeal. Journal of Applied Social Psychology (SSCI), Vol. 39, No.12, pp.2910-2935. 本人為通訊作者. (Rank:Psychology, Social Q3, 2016 IF: 1.231)
- Yu-Kang Lee & Chun-Tuan Chang (2008, Dec). A Social Landslide: Social Inequalities of Lottery Advertising in Taiwan. Social Behavior and Personality (SSCI), Vol. 36, No. 10, 1423-1438. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. NSC 94-2412-H-110-002. (Rank: Psychology, Social Q4, 2016 IF: 0.548)
- Yu-Kang Lee & Chun-Tuan Chang (2008, Mar). Intrinsic or Extrinsic? Determinants Affecting Donation Behaviors. International Journal of Educational Advancement, Vol. 8, No.1, pp.13-24. (IngentaConnect). 本人為第一作者.
- Yu-Kang Lee & Chun-Tuan Chang (2007, Dec). Who Gives What to Charity? Characteristics Affecting Donation Behavior. Social Behavior and Personality (SSCI), Vol. 35, No. 9, pp.1137-1180. 本人為第一作者. (Rank: Psychology, Social Q4, 2016 IF: 0.548)
- Yu-Kang Lee (2005, Aug). New Government, New Language? The Third Way Discourse in Taiwan. Modern Asian Studies (SSCI), Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 631~660. 本人為單一作者、通訊作者. (Rank: Area Studies Q3, 2016 IF: 0.438)
- Yu-Kang Lee & Chun-Tuan Chang (2005, Feb). The Social Impacts of the Public Welfare Lottery: An Empirical Study in Taiwan. Modern Asian Studies (SSCI), Vol. 39, No. 1, pp.133-153. 本人為第一作者. (Rank: Area Studies Q3, 2016 IF: 0.438)
- 國科會計畫主持人(113-2410-H-110-067-SS2) (兩年期) 公共政策在減輕 Covid-19 大流行對健康、經濟和社會影響方面的作用:以台灣為例
- 國科會計畫主持人 (111-2410-H-110-027-MY2) (兩年期) 台灣在新冠肺炎多重化危機下的政策/政治溝通:黨派對政府防疫能力的看法、防疫政策計劃的框架效應和疫情下政治支持的情感基礎
- 國科會計畫主持人 (107-2410-H-110-041-MY3) (三年期) 候選人外貌吸引力、感知能力與感知社交性對選舉結果的影響:理論、實證與跨文化比較
- 科技部計畫主持人(104-2628-H-110-002-MY3)(三年期) 笑臉效益對選舉結果的影響:理論、實證與跨國比較
- 國科會計畫主持人﹝101-2410-H-110-030-MY3) (三年期)娃娃臉效應對政治候選人的評價及選舉結果之影響
- 國科會計畫主持人﹝100-2410-H-110-031-﹞訊息訴求、環境遠視症與內外控信念對環保政策溝通之影響:理論、實證 與模型
- 國科會計畫主持人 ﹝NSC 98-2410-H-110-012-MY2) (兩年期) “Determinants of Political Judgments: Influences of Stereotypes on Candidates Evaluation and Election Outcomes” 選民對候選人刻板印象對選舉結果的影響
- 國科會計畫主持人 ﹝NSC 96-2414-H-110-004-﹞“Can Gender Make a Difference in Political Advertising? Theory, Practice and Modelling”候選人性別與其廣告焦點對於選民投票行為之影響: 理論、實證與模型
- 九十六年度國科會出席國際會議補助 (補助編號:NSC 96-2414-H-110-004-,補助金額:新台幣50,000元)
- 國科會計畫協同主持人 (NSC 95-2416-H-390-005-) “Perfect Political Advertising: The Moderators of Political Sophistication and Candidate/Party Credibility” 選民政治複雜度與候選人(政黨)信賴度對於政治廣告之影響
- 中華教育文化基金會(China Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Culture)九十五年度出席國際會議補助 (獎助金額:美金1,500元)
- 九十五年度國科會出席國際會議補助 (補助編號:95-2914-I-110-020-A1,補助金額:新台幣50,000元)
- 2006 Travel Grant for International Scholars in the 2006 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (Cash award US$ 600)
- 國科會計畫主持人 (NSC 94-2412-H-110-002-) “What Do We Know about the Advertising Effectiveness of the Public Welfare Lottery?” 台灣公益彩券之廣告效益面面觀
- 九十四年度國科會出席國際會議補助(補助編號:94-2914-I-324-011-A1,補助金額:新台幣50,000元)
- 2005 Travel Grant for International Scholars in the 2005 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (Cash Award US$ 800 plus accommodations at one of the three conference hotels)
1. Chun-Tuan Chang, Yu-Kang Lee and Kuang-Hao Chen (2008), ‘The 〝I〞 of the Beholder: the Impacts of the Gender Differences and Self-referencing on Charity Advertising’, paper presented at the Association for Consumer Research Annual North American Conference, San Francisco, Ca., USA.
2. Yu-Kang Lee and Chun-Tuan Chang (2007), ‘Gender Electioneering: Issue versus Image Style and the Decision to Go Negative in Political Advertising’, paper presented at the annual meeting of American Political Science Association, Chicago, USA.
3. Yu-Kang Lee and Chun-Tuan Chang and Chyi-Lu Jang (2007), ‘Child Poverty Advertising: Are Charities Getting It Right?’, paper presented at American Sociology Association’s 102nd Annual Meeting (referred round-table section), New York City, USA.
4. Chun-Tuan Chang and Yu-Kang Lee (2007), “Framing Appealing Advertising – Are Charities Getting it Right?” paper accepted and will be presented in the in the not-for-profit marketing track of the 2007 Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Verona, Italy.
5. Chun-Tuan Chang and Yu-Kang Lee (2007), “All Political Advertisements are Not Created Equal: Influences of Political Sophistication and Candidate Credibility on Political Advertising,” paper accepted and will be presented in the consumer behavior track of the 2007 Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Verona, Italy.
6. Yu-Kang Lee and Chun-Tuan Chang (2006), “Do Political Sophistication and Candidate Credibility Matter to Political Advertising?” paper presented at the annual meeting of American Political Association, Philadelphia, USA.
7. Yu-Kang Lee and Chun-Tuan Chang (2006), “Social Inequalities of Lottery Advertising on Consumer Welfare,” paper presented in the annual meeting of American Sociological Association (round-table section), Montreal, Canada.
8. Yu-Kang Lee and Chun-Tuan Chang (2005), “Influences of Message Framing and Political Sophistication in Political Communication: An Experimental Study in Taiwan,” paper presented in the annual meeting of American Political Association, Washington, DC, USA.
9. Chun-Tuan Chang and Yu-Kang Lee (2005), “The Moderators of Statistical Formats of Product Efficacy and Graphical Display on Framing Message Effectiveness Relationship,” paper presented in Conference of European Association of Consumer Research, Gothenburg, Sweden.
10. Yu-Kang Lee and Chun-Tuan Chang (2004), “Influences of Message Framing and Political Sophistication in Political Communication: An Experimental Study in Taiwan,” paper presented in the Western Conference of the Association for Asian Studies, Seattle, USA.
11. Yu-Kang Lee (2004), “Discourse Analysis of the Third Way in Taiwan,” paper accepted by Asian Studies Conference Japan, Tokyo, Japan.
12. Yu-Kang Lee and Chun-Tuan Chang (2004), “Influences of Message Framing and Political Familiarity on Political Communication – An Experimental Study in Taiwan,” paper presented in the Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs, Minneapolis, USA.
13. Yu-Kang Lee and Chun-Tuan Chang (2003), “Social Welfare Effects of the Public Welfare Lottery: A Taiwanese Case,” paper presented in The New England Association for Asian Studies Conference, Boston, USA.
14. Yu-Kang Lee (2003), “The Third-Way Discourse Analysis in Taiwan,” paper presented in the Western Conference of the Association for Asian Studies, Phoenix, AZ, USA.
15. Yu-Kang Lee (2003), “New Government? New Language? ” paper presented in the New York Conference on Asian Studies, Buffalo, NY, USA
16. Yu-Kang Lee and Chun-Tuan Chang (2003), “The Welfare Effects of the Public Welfare Lottery: Evidence from Taiwan,” paper presented in Conference of Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast (ASPAC), Hawaii, USA.
17. Yu-Kang Lee (2003), “The Third Way Discourse in Taiwan,” paper presented in Conference of Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast (ASPAC), Hawaii, USA.